Sunday 10th July 2011
Thoresby Park, nr. Ollerton, Notts. NG22 9EP
10am to 4pm
£7 per person at the gate
IPTOC will be there as usual, looking for some serious support this year, need to better 7 cars!
We will also be attending the Japanese Auto Extravaganza in September if there are enough takers?!
Japanese AUto & Performance Show, Ollerton, UK 2011
Japanese AUto & Performance Show, Ollerton, UK 2011
1988 Isuzu Piazza HBL Auto - Ebony Black
1988 Isuzu Piazza HBL Manual - Romanesque Silver
1851 Cellar chock full of Isuzu spares!!
1988 Isuzu Piazza HBL Manual - Romanesque Silver
1851 Cellar chock full of Isuzu spares!!