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Soft and Squishy stuff

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:15 pm
by wedgenut
To anyone that reads this, us here on the forum are a bit of an international family with members from most of the English speaking countries as well as some that speak in different tongues. It is a reminder of how small the world has become through the use of the internet. Diverse people from all points of the globe can come together through a common interest. But none of it is serious or super important when compared with life events.

I am writing this because in recent times the two main homes of our Forum, NZ and Austrailia have suffered traumatic disasters in the last year or so. Ozzie bush fires on both sides or the continent, devastating flooding in QLD and other states. The September 2010 earthquake in Christchurch NZ followed by the coal mine explosion on the west coast of the South island and now the latest horrendous Quake in the past week hitting Christchurch once again when rebuilding was just getting underway.

NZ and other countries sent teams over to OZ in their times of trouble to help out, NZ has alos sent personnel to just about every other major event in recent years, mainly to relieve locals who had their own personal issues to deal with as well as fighting national adversity.

Any help NZ has sent to other parts of the world is now being repayed in spades. teams have arrived in Christchurch from Oz of course first out of the blocks running have sent 140 odd specialists, a complete field hospital with 75 beds and 300 cops as well (thanks a lot! we need more cops) Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, UK and the good old USA are also on the ground all helping to relieve the local forces.

I have no direct connection with anyone in Christchurch and am far enough away as to not be DIRECTLY afffected. Everyone living here however IS affected to one degree or another, whether it be sending money or other assistance, as, the only way the people who are suffering can survive is by knowing they are not alone.

As a resident of this country I would personally like to thank all those from around the world who have emailed me to ask after the welfare of myself and family and also applaud the human spirit of those volunteers who have left the safety of their own homes and families to risk their lives for others, because it is still a very dangerous place with never ending aftershocks posing serious threats to life.

Thats it, sermon over.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:10 pm
by Chris